.mood .

Thank you thank you thank you! :D .

Monday, January 10, 2011

Imah, Bella, Ain, Su, etc.

i think i know with whats going on here. well, i just knew it after called bella. and, i've ran out of credit to know the whole story. before this, i've heard it from the victim's mouth. and the latest one is from all sweet and my true buddies. ughhhhh i know 'it' should be annoying and hurt. it is really hurt to know this T_T and, i have nothing to say except; i hate with what she has done, and i have no idea why she lost her control like that. nauzubillah to act such that shameful behavior. (is that even called behaviour?) im getting HOT of beating people too. LOL. kash, su, imah n bella have posted the same entries with the same content. and i know, its sad, right? me too :'( and, it must be annoying that we have been friends in such a hurtful way like that. =.=''

friends, dont leave me.
correct me if i was wrong.
tell me when u hurt.

yes, im holding ur hands. :)



Anonymous said...

wey la ,,

bkpo ni sarah wey??

-iera chomey..

Sarah Bt Saadi said...

huhuhu. i donno why. (ala2 lagu linkin park.hehe) xtau bakpo. tp ado mslh la jugak :(